1.the study of the people and way of life that existed a very long time ago, especially in Greece or Rome
2.things that happened a long time ago and so are no longer important
1.No reason for you and me to get bogged down in ancient history, right?
2.The "Great Central Sun Transmissions " section is a more detailed account of earth's ancient history as revealed in her ascension records.
3.We told ourselves you were a good boy at heart, that it was ancient history to you, abstract and unreal.
4.Although young people are aware that characters have complicated and difficult "classical" meanings, all that seems like ancient history.
5.What good the party did in helping build one of the world's mightiest and most egalitarian industrial nations is now almost ancient history.
6.Digging back into WebSphere MQ ancient history, one example of a difference in kind was the introduction of the MQSeries client.
7.China has 2000 years of its ancient history from its first dynasty until the moment it became what we called the unified empire.
8.THIS volume is a reprint of Studies in Ancient History as published in 1876, with notes added only where they appeared to be indispensable.
9.Grandpa says the organization was formed to clean up the police, insists it's all ancient history, and then quickly changes the subject.
10.The deliverance of Jerusalem is not just another of ancient history's sidelights, Aubin asserts, but one of its pivotal events.